In the Nebraska Strong Families lab, we are committed to providing training experiences commensurate with each individual's level of commitment and experience and combining every member's unique strengths to form a creative, productive, and collaborative team.
Prospective Graduate Students
Please contact Dr. Kuo directly to introduce yourself. You can follow this link to learn more about the graduate programs that UNL offers in Child, Youth and Family Studies. Dr. Kuo is able to advise students in the on-campus graduate programs in child development/early childhood education and global family health & wellbeing.
Prospective Research Assistants
We are currently looking for students to help with analyzing data from our observational studies. Research assistants in the lab learn valuable skills of observational coding - that is - how to quantify behaviors such as parenting sensitivity and children's mood. This is an intensive training experience that will change how you view parent-child interactions and requires a 2-semester commitment. Through your experience in the lab, you’ll also learn about cutting-edge research and how to communicate those findings to a broad audience. Depending on your level of interest, background skills, and commitment, you can also have the opportunity to help present our findings at conferences or through journal publications.
We have several different routes for involvement in our lab.
Course credit students: 45 - 150 hours total per semester.
There are two options for semester-start enrollment: CYAF 496 (Advanced Independent Study) and CYAF 498 (Research Experience) for 1-3 credits per semester. Please note that 18 credits maximum are allowed across courses (6 credits each for 496 and 498). Depending on whether you choose to register for 496 or 498 will dictate the hours requirement.
In your first semester of completing independent study in the NSF lab, you will need to register for 2 credits, and you will be trained and tested on your progress in observational coding. Failure to make adequate progress will result in not being asked back for the second semester. Promotions may be given to students who show exceptional committment, responsiblity, and aptitude for the work. See our "People" page!
Several students have also completed CYAF 497D (Community Internship in Child, Youth and Family Studies) in our lab with a summer start date and often extending into the school year.
UCARE & FYRE Students: time commitment varies by program.
This may be the right opportunity for you if you meet the eligibility requirements for each program. These opportunities are paid positions. Find out more information about UCARE here and FYRE here. As a UCARE or FYRE student, you’ll receive specialized training opportunities in addition to playing support roles in our research projects. UCARE students will have the opportunity to develop an independent research project. UCARE applications are only accepted from students who have completed at least one semester of course credit lab experience with Dr. Kuo.